H is for Hanafuda

Hanafuda, 花札, flower cards, traditional playing cards

Did you know that the Nintendo we all know and love started out as a company that made playing cards? Their original product was a set of hanafuda cards! Hanafuda are small, traditional Japanese cards featuring designs of flowers and seasonal motifs. Like our more familiar decks of playing cards, there are lots of different games and variations you can play with hanafuda.  To this day, Nintendo still makes novelty hanafuda sets. So do several other companies in Japan. You can find decks featuring Super Mario Bros, Kirby, beloved movies like Spirited Away, and even a Pokemon set!

However, if you’d like your own free set, I’m here for you. I’ve created a muted, monochrome set based on the original designs but using the colour scheme from this blog I love so much. All you need to do is print out this PDF on heavy-weight card paper (I had blue and white so I used blue for the background side but plain white works just as well). Then glue each card sheet to one background sheet with stick glue, put a heavy weight on them to dry them flat (I used books), and then cut them out after 24 hours or so.

Click here to download the PDF

For game instructions, Wikipedia has your back. Enjoy your new hanafuda deck, and have fun!

Kimono Coordinate Checklist Printable

Have you ever put together an outfit you liked so much you wanted to wear it again and again? Or maybe you’re travelling and want to make sure you bring all the pieces you need for a particular coordinate?

Either way, I’ve got a little present for you. Here’s a checklist printable template that includes places to write down every visible component of a full coordinate, including optional pieces. You can always just leave things like hakama and haori blank if they’re not part of the outfit you’ve put together. All three templates are the same, I just thought I’d make a bit of variation in colour schemes; hopefully you find one you like!

Feel free to download and share these! Clicking on them will open them in a separate page where you can save the full sized version, which should print at 4 inches by 6 inches. I made them to be used. I hope you find them helpful. 💖