Geisha Henshin

So as I mentioned in my last post, I was going to be visiting Naomi. One of the things we’d planned to do was a full geisha henshin, something I lacked both the know-how and wardrobe to do. I knew she had a lovely purple hikizuri with ferns on it and we’d decided to use that. HOWEVER… about a month ago, a gorgeous hikizuri in shades of purple with indigo ariso (curled up jumping carp) showed up on eBay. I wanted it desperately, but with my trip coming up I couldn’t justify bidding too much, so it slipped out of my grasp. Imagine my shock when Naomi was handing me things to look at and said “oh, and I have this old thing, you can keep it”, and I saw that very hiki when I unfolded it. I was in a bit of a tired, emotional state to begin with and I totally lost it and started crying, I was so touched. It turns out she and Erica had conspired to get it for me as a “very very early birthday/Christmas present”. For the record, my birthday is in November.

Araiso Geiko Hikizuri

So anyway, when we did the henshin today, of course I had to wear my new hiki. I have to say, it still feels weird to say that. My new hiki. Mine!. But I digress. It was a super fun experience, and we took waaaaay too many pictures. I’ve refrained and only posted my favourites. And, just because it’s hilarious – geisha henshin with a shaggy, grown-out mohawk and a giant stuffed octopus.



  1. What a great story! You have some incredible friends. 🙂

  2. Thank you all!! <3 I'm so happy with how the outfit (and the whole experience) turned out.

  3. I have about 2 hiki’s + a hiki donuki myself. It’s be awesome to have a huge henshin party of the IG Kenban.


  4. Yay, geiko henshin!

    One day, we should get all the IG folks who have the ability to do geiko henshin together at a con, and do a MASSIVE karyukai style shoot.

  5. Wonderful makeup! I love your photos 😉
    Kimonosa recently posted..Hanami

  6. So lucky you have such great friends! ^^
    The hiki is so beautiful and you look really good in the oshiroi 🙂
    Nela recently posted..Sakura season

  7. The geisha hikizuri is such a wonderful and fantastic surprise! (Lucky!!) And you look absolutely Fabulous, dahling! Love the plush octopus too! Too cute with the mohawk.
    Rebecca recently posted..The Cat and and the Kimono

  8. Lavender is such a nice colour on you even without the white. ^__^ I also giggled like an idiot at your Squishable. Squee!

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