I have found a much better photo posting solution, one that will allow you guys to click on photos of posted outfits to get larger and more detailed versions without leaving the site. However, I have to go through and manually change every entry, so it may take a while. If older entries seem to have problems displaying images or galleries, please be patient. 🙂 They will get fixed eventually.
Category: admin
We Have Control!
So, as you may or may not have noticed, this blog was recently hijacked by Viagra resellers. Unfortunately, while I was recovering from surgery I let regular maintenance fall to the wayside, which left some of the plugins wide open for attack. It took quite some time, but I have finally managed to clean and purge everything.
Don’t worry, this hijack was entirely on my end, and visiting my blog during the period will not have put you at any risk. It just would have been enormously frustrating, and for that I apologise. I’m still too big and too tired to wear kimono regularly, but at least the resources here are back!
What would you like to see more of?
I am curious as to what you, dear readers, would be keen to see more of on Kimono Tsuki. If you have a moment, please fill out this quick poll to help me organise more content for the future.
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Thank you for your time!
Thank you for your patience!
Thank you all for putting up with me during the unintended hiatus. I’ve got plenty of stuff to share and post about, now that I’ve rebuilt the blog. I decided to redo the theme, keeping in the same style as the old one but much easier to manage, and hopefully more straightforward for you guys to navigate 🙂
Please bear with me
I had to rebuild the blog (with Naomi’s help!) so things might be a bit wonky or missing for the next few days, while I reinstall all the necessary plugins, rebuild galleries, etc.
We Have Control!
So, as you may or may not have noticed, this blog was recently hijacked by Viagra resellers. Unfortunately, while I was recovering from surgery I let regular maintenance fall to the wayside, which left some of the plugins wide open for attack. It took quite some time, but I have finally managed to clean and purge everything.
Don’t worry, this hijack was entirely on my end, and visiting my blog during the period will not have put you at any risk. It just would have been enormously frustrating, and for that I apologise. I’m still too big and too tired to wear kimono regularly, but at least the resources here are back!
What would you like to see more of?
I am curious as to what you, dear readers, would be keen to see more of on Kimono Tsuki. If you have a moment, please fill out this quick poll to help me organise more content for the future.

Thank you for your time!
Thank you for your patience!
Thank you all for putting up with me during the unintended hiatus. I’ve got plenty of stuff to share and post about, now that I’ve rebuilt the blog. I decided to redo the theme, keeping in the same style as the old one but much easier to manage, and hopefully more straightforward for you guys to navigate 🙂
Please bear with me
I had to rebuild the blog (with Naomi’s help!) so things might be a bit wonky or missing for the next few days, while I reinstall all the necessary plugins, rebuild galleries, etc.