Nothing terribly exciting for today, I’m afraid. I’ve just been trying to focus on buying things I need, instead of things I just want. And right now, I need more accessories. Luckily, I’ve found some great deals on really cute things lately.
Purple and red obiage
- Red Chirimen
- Rich Purple Chirimen
Kansai_gal snagged these for me, and I’m very grateful. Admittedly, I thought the purple one would be blue, but I didn’t have a casual purple one yet so it’s not the end of the world. However, I still need a blue obiage. XD
Embroidered stretch tabi
With feet my size, it’s always exciting to find interesting tabi that fit and aren’t the knit sport type. These may be subtle, but they’re adorable nonetheless.
Purple tachibana haneri
I love purple, and I love tachibana. What else do I need to say here? XD
Gold saganishiki obijime
A nice, simple, dressy obijime. It’ll be good for kurotomesode kitsuke, I think.
Gold saganishiki obijime with red accents
Similar to the above, but with hits of red. Nice thing about these is that they’re all good for obidome.
Reversible gold and green obijime
I love the pop of acid green on the back of this, it contrasts so nicely with the fairly traditional gold and red on the front side.
Black and white check flat obijime
I love love love this obijime. So much. Like, I can’t even express it. It was part of a bundle, including all the subsequent ones in this entry, and I bid totally just to get this one. I love the adorable country charm of it, and it also works with obidome! I also love the weird chartreuse colour on the reverse side.
Pink, blue, and brown obijime
This one was a bit of a surprise. I thought it was simply cream, blue, and brown, but when it arrived I saw that the solid half of it is actually a really soft, charming pink.
Blue and sparkly obijime
This was another pleasant surprise – the blue side is very cute, accented with little bumps of darker blue, but the reverse is actually white with tiny metallic blue flecks!
Putrid yellow-green round obijime
This is… how can I put this delicately? This is definitely not my favourite one. It was part of the bundle and I’m sure I’ll find a use for it eventually, but it’s such an awkward, bilious colour. I might end up dyeing it, I don’t know. I can’t even imagine selling it alone, honestly.