Several days ago, Montreal experienced an unusually heavy rain fall. Unfortunately, when that happened, my room (which is in the basement of a big old house) flooded, leaving everything down there in several inches of standing water.
Thankfully my kimono collection does not reside in my bedroom, or this entry would be a lot harder to write. However, all my free time for the foreseeable future is going to be devoted to flood cleanup, and the room where the kimono are stored is also our guest room which is where I’m currently sleeping. With the sofa-bed unfolded it’s impossible for me to get to my collection.
What this means is that there likely won’t be new entries for a few weeks. I sincerely apologise, and promise I’ll be back in full force as soon as I can! Thank you for understanding.
That’s really crappy! Glad you’re okay; I look forward to your return!