For this week’s outfit, I decided to throw caution to the wind. The previous ensembles I’ve posted haven’t necessarily been 100% season-accurate, but this one is by far the most inappropriate for this time of year. It’s been in the negative degrees all week here, and my back deck looks like this right now.
I needed something to remind me that it won’t be like this all year, so I decided to do a breezy summer coordination. This blue ro tsukesage is one of the last things I purchased before my health really fell apart, and I’d never had the chance to wear it, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I had initially planned to pair it with my off-white sha hakata obi, but the then I found this hitoe hakata with touches of pink that echoed the pink flowers on the kimono so well. It’s technically a little thick to wear with such a lightweight kimono, but it’s borderline and I figured since I was only dressing Tsukiko I could get away with it. I think this outfit has a lovely refreshing cool feel to it with the icy blue and white, with the hits of a cool-toned pink to liven it up a little.
Please ignore the weirdly lopsided otaiko, I pulled it out of place slightly while rotating the mannequin and didn’t realise until after I’d taken the photos. ~.~;;
Items used in this coordination
- Blue Floral Ro
- White & Pink
- Pink Ro with Shells
- Pastel Summer